Price table
(*) MLines : 1 MLines means 1 million line loaded into Stormbase. If you load 100 million lines in table A and 300 million lines in table B, you have 400 million lines loaded into Stormbase. Now if you delete 50 million lines from table B, you have 350 million lines loaded into Stormbase.
(**) License key is provided for one production server and up to four non production servers.
This license is free and limited to personal use or evaluation purposes. This license is also limited to 1 million lines loaded into Stormbase.
This is the commercial license. The price is based on the number of lines loaded into Stormbase.
OEM partner
Database, as all server side softwares, is rarely sold to an end user but rather to another software vendor that will build a user interface around it. That is the OEM partnership.
Problem is that both parties never have the same licensing metrics. For instance a software vendor in the retail industry will base its fees on the number of stores. But a database vendor will rather use complex rules based on CPU power, number of end users etc...That is a nightmare for sales guys, they don't like complexity, neither do we at Stormbase Solutions.
As an OEM partner you have two options :
The classical way described before (Business use).
The percentage approach where Stormbase licensing fees are proportional to your own licensing fees.